Mobile Phone Policy

The appropriate use of mobile phones by all members is required to ensure that all members are appropriately safeguarded when attending the swimming club environment and at swimming events such as galas.

  • Appropriate mobile phone use guidance can be found in Wavepower 2024 at pages 82-84
  • Mobile phones and other digital devices should not be used under any circumstances in a changing room area during Swim England regulated activity.
  • This is supported by clear signage in changing rooms confirming a zero-tolerance approach to the use of mobile phones in changing areas.
  • Mobile phones should remain in a member’s bag.
  • All use of mobile devices in a changing room must be reported to the Organisation Welfare Officer and the venue.
  • The Welfare Officer should decide whether or not the breach of Wavepower is a safeguarding concern (such as the reported taking of images/video, or the placing of a phone over/under a changing cubicle) and if so, this must be referred to the Swim England Safeguarding and Welfare Team as soon as possible. If the breach of this policy is not deemed to be a direct safeguarding concern (such as a member using their phone to make a phone call in a changing area) then this should be dealt with under the Organisation’s behaviour and code of conduct process. If a potential crime has been committed, this must be reported to the Police immediately, and the venue must be informed.
  • At galas swimmers are permitted to use mobile phones to play games and listen to music but not to take photographs or videos.
  • The only exception to this policy is where a mobile phone is used for the purpose of communicating with a member who due to their disability uses their mobile phone to text as one of their primary ways of communicating with others e.g., a profoundly deaf person.

Joining the club

Mini Mets
For information about joining Mini Mets please contact Dan Walsh to arrange a trial.

Junior Squads
For information about joining the Junior Squads please contact Craig Ward  to arrange a trial.

Masters/Masters Fitness
For information about joining Masters and Masters Fitness please contact Bob Bolton to arrange a trial

Club Office

Our Club Office at Sale Leisure Centre is open on Sundays between 3.45-5.45pm for enquiries and to purchase swim hats and second hand items.

Facebook & Twitter


We're affiliated to: ASA NWR, C.C.W.P. & S.A., M & D.S. & W.P.A., C.L.S. & W.P.A.

HQ: Sale Leisure Centre, Broad Road, Sale, Machester, UK