Latest news

  • 26 August 24

    2024-2025 Mini Mets and Club Fitness Competition Calendar


  • 26 August 24

    2024-2025 Training Timetable (Junior Squads)


  • 26 August 24

    2024-2025 Mini Mets Academy and Club Fitness Term Dates


Suggestion Box

In an effort to continuously improve our communication and engagement with club members and to enhance the swimming experience for all we are introducing a Suggestion Box.

You can use the Suggestion Box to participate and share ideas for the benefit of everyone within the club.

We will use our Letter Box outside the Club office as the Suggestion Box. Please use the attached form for your suggestions and place it in a sealed envelope and label the envelope ‘Suggestion Box’. Suggestions may be anonymous if you wish or you can provide your name and contact details for a response.

Suggestions will be considered at monthly Committee Meetings and feedback provided as appropriate.

Thank you for your positive engagement in this new initiative.

Suggestion Form.pdf127.68 KB

Joining the club

Mini Mets
For information about joining Mini Mets please contact Dan Walsh to arrange a trial.

Junior Squads
For information about joining the Junior Squads please contact Craig Ward  to arrange a trial.

Masters/Masters Fitness
For information about joining Masters and Masters Fitness please contact Bob Bolton to arrange a trial

Club Office

Our Club Office at Sale Leisure Centre is open on Sundays between 3.45-5.45pm for enquiries and to purchase swim hats and second hand items.

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We're affiliated to: ASA NWR, C.C.W.P. & S.A., M & D.S. & W.P.A., C.L.S. & W.P.A.

HQ: Sale Leisure Centre, Broad Road, Sale, Machester, UK